College and Career Planning
Click on the links below to access information on Colleges, Careers, and Military Services
- Seniors:
- College Application Checklist
- SENIORS - Counseling Office Info & College Prep Overview: Your Monthly Guide
- Senior Financial Aid Newsletter
- New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence
- College Application Basics & Information Detailed instructions on how to match Naviance to the Common App as well as the steps to follow to complete the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Waiver
- CURRENT STUDENT - Transcript Request Form Use this form if you are a current student and require a transcript for a college or a scholarship application. If you are under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian signature is also required.
- Student Personal Data Sheet Use this form to assist your letter of recommendation writers with information about you and all you have done during your high school career. You may find it easy to complete the form once and make duplicate copies to hand out to all the persons you are hoping will write a reference letter on your behalf.
- College Admission Options This is a quick reference guide for students to know the difference between the Early Decision, Early Action, and Regular Decision options for Admission. It is always beneficial to review the process for each college you are considering to understand any college-specific details.
- Juniors:
- Comprehensive Scholarship Guide (
- College Application Process Resources (Sallie Mae)
- The Common Application Common Application home page that is used for both public and private college applications. A list of available institutions is on the website.
- SUNY Application State University of New York application. Can only be used for SUNY Schools. A list of schools is accessible on the website.
- SUNY (State University of New York) Website The SUNY University System (from technical and community colleges through research universities).
- College Board PSAT, SAT and AP testing programs, college planning tools.
- ACT Learn about and register for the ACT testing program, access college planning tools.
- HESC The free NYS site for student aid.
- New York State Excelsior Scholarship Program
- Fastweb Free and reputable scholarship search engine, college resources, and financial aid tips.
- another free scholarship search engine for students.
- EOP Available at SUNY colleges; students who meet economic and academic criteria may qualify for this program.
- College Athletics:
- Different Levels of College Athletics Intercollegiate competition is sanctioned by different college divisions.
- NCAA Eligibility Center Information for students who plan to play a sport in college.
- NCAA Counselor and Student Responsibilities Fact Sheet
- NCAA Registration Checklist
- Initial Eligibility Flyer
- Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete
- Enrollment Verification Instructions
- Division I Academic Requirements
- Division II Academic Requirements
- Division I and II Course Planning Sheets
- Students with Education-Impacting Disabilities
- NCAA Student-Athlete FAQ's
- ***NEW*** NCAA- COVID Update for Students
- Federal Student Aid Federal Student Aid planning website for FAQ's related to college preparation.
- FAFSA - Federal Student Aid The free federal site for student aid information and application.
- has a number of College Guides for Diverse Student Populations, which are listed below.
- First Generation College Student Guide
- Guide to Colleges & Careers for Women in STEM
- College & Career Guide for Students with Disabilities
- The College Guide for LGBTQ Students
- A Guide to College for Undocumented Students
- Guide To College for Students Experiencing Homelessness
- The Ultimate College Guide for Veterans & Active Service Members
- College Planning Guide for Students with Mental Health Disorders To help students find the assistance they need at college, created this guide to explain the resources and accommodations most schools provide, and offer tips on how to access these mental health services.
Resume Building
Career and Military
- The Rochester & Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation The Rochester & Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation is a regional federation or dozens of unions representing nearly 100,000 workers in Chemung, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates Counties. Click above for a listing and directory of our affiliate organizations. Apprenticeship opportunities are often listed on the affiliate organization pages.
- GLOW Website GLOW with Your Hands launched in 2019 with more than 800 students engaging in hands-on experiences with the careers that are available and growing in the GLOW Region (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties) of New York. This website offers a variety of careers in the fields of Agriculture, Food Processing, Manufacturing, and Skilled Trades.
- NY State information on Working Papers (Dept of Labor) information and requirements for working papers.
- Livingston County Workforce Development local employment and training information.
- Livingston County Civil Service Exam Information information regarding civil service exams in Livingston County.
- Steuben County Civil Service Exam Information information regarding civil service exams in Steuben County.
- ROTC Opportunities information on ROTC programs within the military branches.
- AmeriCorps National service program offering career experience and college tuition benefits.
- Interested in Joining the Military? This site provides you with information regarding the requirements and process of enlistment.
- Today's Military Military training, career, and enlistment information.
- Military Eligibility Requirements
- Army
- Navy
- Air Force
- Marines
- Coast Guard
- National Guard
- Space Force
- NY National Guard: Mission Summary and Benefits
Selective Service
- Selective Service All men must register for Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th Birthday. For additional information visit the links in this section.