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World Languages Dept

The World Languages Department at The World Languages Department at Dansville High School offers introductory to AP classes in Spanish and French. The curriculum is in alignment Checkpoints A, B and C. In addition Dansville high school students can pursue the Seal of Biliteracy (see more information on the Biliteracy seal below).

The NYS Learning Standards for World Languages are not grade-banded, but instead are grouped into three proficiency ranges that correspond to the World Language Checkpoints (A, B, C) that reflect levels of achievement students must reach, generally over the course of two years of study each.  Students meet the standards by demonstrating proficiency at the levels consistent with the lower end of the range for each Checkpoint. This demonstration of proficiency generally occurs by the end of 8th grade for Checkpoint A, by the end of 10th grade for Checkpoint B, and by the end of 12th grade for Checkpoint C.

More Information on NYS World Languages Standards

Kari Gray

French Teacher

Noel Folts

French & ESOL Teacher

 Noel Folts has been awarded by badge of Biliteracy Coordinator by NYSED

The World Languages Department at Dansville High School is proud to have been awarded the following badges by NYSED:

2023-24 Seal School Badge

2023-24 Seal Coordinator Badge

2-4 Year NYSSB badge

For More Information on the New York State Seal of Biliteracy:

Parent Information - NYSSB

Official Seal of NYSSBA