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ELA Dept

Jill Levee

11th Grade English Teacher

Andy Sanderson

12th Grade English Teacher

Tony Wensel

10th Grade English Teacher

9th Grade ELA Teacher TBA

Elsa Young

8th Grade English Teacher

Emily Wolf

7th Grade English Teacher

Jennifer Price

Reading Teacher

The English Language Arts Department provides DHS Students strong instruction in English and Literature as well as developing reading, writing and critical thinking skills.  All curriculum and instruction is aligned to NYS Next Gen ELA Standards, which state:

"Nationally and across the state, districts are increasingly focused on literacy instruction from the earliest years right through adolescence with the goal of developing models and curricula that support universal literacy achievement, while accommodating two key changes: 1) the new demands for what it means to be literate in today’s knowledge-based economy and information age; and 2) the demographic shifts in the population.

Reading and writing—both language-based competencies—have become prerequisites for participation in nearly every aspect of day-to-day, 21st-century life. While there was a time when basic literacy skills provided a clear path forward, today’s students need to develop an increasingly complex set of literacy skills and competencies in order to access social and economic opportunities."

7th and 8th grade curriculum provides a strong foundation for 9-12 courses.  The ELA Dept offers honors, Regents, GCC Credit and AP courses to ensure DHS Students reach reading and writing competencies required for today's high school graduates. 

More Information on NYS ELA Standards